Victor Okpukpan
Solidity Smart Contract Developer & Frontend Engineer
I specialize in EVM-compatible blockchain development and frontend engineering. With expertise in creating secure smart contracts and building intuitive user interfaces, I bring blockchain ideas to life with a focus on best practices and innovative solutions.
Role: Frontend Developer
Role: Frontend Developer
Demo: https://zend.vercel.app
Private Repo
Private Repo
Role: Frontend Developer
Role: Smart Contract Developer
Contract: 0x724...313f
Develop smart contracts for DeFi protocols, NFT platforms, and custom blockchain solutions
Build, test, and deploy smart contracts with advanced testing and gas optimization techniques
Create cross-chain compatible dApps and implement bridging solutions
Perform static analysis to identify vulnerabilities and optimize contract security
Conduct in-depth smart contract audits and generate comprehensive security reports
Implement best practices for secure smart contract development and auditing
Refine smart contract code to minimize gas costs and improve efficiency
Build interactive and responsive user interfaces for web3 applications
Develop server-side rendered and statically generated web applications with optimal performance
Enhance code quality and maintainability with static typing
Create custom, responsive designs with utility-first CSS framework
Integrate blockchain functionality into frontend applications
Developing responsive and interactive web applications using modern frontend technologies. Specializing in React, Next.js, and integrating web3 functionality into traditional web apps.
Developing secure and efficient smart contracts for various blockchain projects. Specializing in DeFi protocols, NFT platforms, and custom blockchain solutions.
Contributing to blockchain education and community growth. Sharing knowledge, mentoring aspiring developers, and promoting best practices in smart contract development.
Key Strengths
- Solo development approach with strong problem-solving skills
- In-depth understanding of EVM-compatible blockchain ecosystems
- Expertise in smart contract optimization and gas efficiency
- Strong focus on blockchain security best practices
Hackathon Wins
Developed an innovative AI writer that combines the power of OpenAI for content generation with blockchain technology for subscription management.
Demonstrated the potential of combining AI and blockchain technologies to create more transparent and accessible AI-Powered applications.
Decentralized School Voting Platform
A decentralized voting platform for school Student Union Government (SUG) elections using smart contracts deployed on Arbitrum and leveraging WeaveDB for user profiles
Ensured transparent, secure, and private voting processes for school elections, promoting democratic values and trust among students.
Get in Touch
Feel free to reach out to me on any of these platforms. I'm always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your visions.